Monday, April 30, 2012

Tri tri again...

I have tried and failed at this blogging thing several times, and each time I have just given it up. So I make no promises this time that I will be a dedicated blogger but for the last week, I've been itching to blog, so I figured, what's one more try. 

Since I've blogged last I did my first Olympic Triathlon in South Beach! It was amazing and I LOVED it, but it was also incredibly difficult. I promise a full dedicated post on that event eventually...but not today. Today I just want to share how I felt training today and my plan going forward.

So, I meant to run 10 miles either on Friday or this weekend but it didn't quite pan out that way.  For one, I went out to dinner drinking and woke up super hungover on Friday morning--so clearly no 10 miler there. Then, after a week of a few double workouts (Mon-bootcamp, Tuesday-cycle, run, Wednesday-bootcamp/swim, Thursday- cycle/bootcamp, Friday-swim) + drinking, my body was just not interested when I woke on Saturday morning afternoon.  And, since recently I've been taking a new approach to training where I listen to my body and rest when it's tired, I had to do what my body asked me to. So on Saturday I slept 12 hours, got up to eat and watch tv around 1:30 pm  (yes, not kidding...I did actually sleep until 1:30pm), and then caught a movie. On Sunday I had a long bike ride with Alanna and Terrier Tri coach Kyle. Alanna and I just finished up Kyle's 2 week cycling clinic so it was really exciting to use the skills we learned to ride across the GW bridge and on 9W. I definitely fell trying to make the very very narrow turns to go around the pillars on the GW bridge, but the progress I've made on the bike is so incredible, that the spills I took were totally worth it! At least that's what I tell myself when I see the black and blue marks all over my legs...

So that brings me to this morning. Finally my time to do my 10 miler had run out. I've been a real slacker with my running in general recently. I usually get in at least a long run and one shorter run per week but my obsession with Warrior Fitness Bootcamp along with my need to improve my cycling and swimming has gotten in the way of me logging a ton of miles. Anyway, I got two of my running friends, Shebna and Rachel to meet me at 6am, with the hopes that they would inspire me to get through a long run. Thank God I did, because there is NO WAY I would have made it on my own. From the first step, my quads were super achy. I should have known that was coming since they were achy during my ride the day before. Basically my legs only felt good for about 3 miles in the very middle of the run. We did two 5 mile loops, cutting off the northern (evil harlem hill) end of the park. Runs like these make me realize how much running/cycling/swimming or whatever your sport, is so mental. If someone asked me at the beginning of my run today whether I could have done 10 miles, I would have most certainly said no. But, having 2 buddies alongside me, I just kept telling myself to go one more mile and somehow I made it through the whole run.

So now that's out of the way I can look forward to a WFBC filled week :) My plan for the week is as follows:

Today: 10 mile run
Tuesday: BC
Wednesday: 3 miles + BC & swimming practice with Mike
Thursday: easy ride +BC
Friday: 3 miles + BC
Saturday: off, if I decide to do the Broad Street run on Sunday
Sunday: Broad Street Run or long run or ride

I think part of the reason I've been struggling with blogging is I have SO MUCH to say in one post, when sometimes I can just leave some of it till the next day. So, I'll leave with that and hope to be back tomorrow with more!

Today's Workout: 10 miles at 9:15 pace