Apparently my body does not.
Today I meant to meet the terrier group (yes, I am zero for three on terrier instruction this week) for a tempo run. I am sorta trying to follow the 1/2 marathon program that they are doing to get myself prepared for the NYC 1/2 in March. I thought they were meeting at 23rd and the West Side path but apparently I was wrong and I was standing out there alone at 6am. Nonetheless, I decided I'd do a tempo run on my own. My schedule called for me to do 5 miles. I only got through 2 miles at an 8:20 pace before I stopped. Tragic. 3 weeks out from the marathon, I did 8 miles at about that same pace.
After walking for about 2 minutes, I started up running again. I did 3 more miles--2 @ about a 9:20 and then the last one at 8:30. It was incredibly not easy and really kinda sad. Spencer (our terrier tri running coach) says that I will see the work I did last Fall sometime this season and that I need to be patient. Based on today's run, I'm not really convinced, but I guess I'll take his word for it.
On another note, it was ridiculously cold this morning. 16 degrees with a windchill of 9 or thereabouts. But, it turns out that if you dress warmly enough, you really don't feel it. Today, despite running on the West Side, where the wind off the river basically assaults you, I felt no colder than any other winter day. However, I had on 2 pairs of pants, 3 shirts (one lined with fleece), a fleece headband, and big funny looking gloves with hand warmers inside. Running creates a lot of laundry...
Today's Workout:
5 miles (44 minutes)
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