Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Dreadmill and Foam Rolling

This evening it was raining and I didn't feel like getting soaked so I opted for the treadmill at my office gym, or the dreadmill, as I so very affectionately call it (I borrowed this nickname from another fitness blogger). What's funny is that until 2007 when I became a "runner," I could not run outside at all and only could run on the dreadmill. Now, I HATE it! I seriously cannot understand how it takes what seems like forever to get through each .1 of a mile. But, I pulled together every ounce of marathon dedication and did a SUPER easy 4 miles (9:40 pace).

In addition to the dreadmill, I also spent some time foam rolling and stretching--both not favorites of mine. Now, despite all the miles I've been putting in, I've been a delinquent stretcher/foam roller, and my body is paying the price. For example, for the last week or so, after a run or bootcamp, sometimes when I walk I get random pain spasms in my hips. I got a massage on Monday b/c I thought it would alleviate this problem---no such luck. So today I sucked up and lived through the terrible terrible pain of foam rolling my quads, it bands and hips. OUCH!!!! Hurts more than any runs I've done. But, I figure if I want to actually make it to the NYC Marathon, I better stop ignoring Spencer's constant reminders to stretch/foam roll.

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