Monday, September 19, 2011

Does this blog still exist?

While I certainly haven't been blogging (apparently my last post was in June!), I've certainly been training. But, I'm back on the blogging wagon now so here goes--Thanks Katie for your inspiration.

Since I last blogged, I did my first triathlon--the NYRR Sprint Tri!! It seems a little late to blog about it now, but I will say that it was AMAZING and I cannot wait to do my next one! I also got a sick new bike. So, I'm ready for the next step in triathlon-ing for sure. See below for some triathlon photos and my neat new bike!

On that note, today I had my first Jackrabbit swim class. I love Terrier and the coaches but all of their sessions are at night and I just can't make them consistently. So, for about $200, I'm trying this 12 week Jackrabbit program. The class meets in a kinda of janky pool down on the lower east side, right by the projects. The water is wayyy too warm for my liking, and the facilities are a little gross. But the coach seems pretty great.

After doing some warmup/stretching outside of the pool (kinda felt weird...never did that before), we got in and did some warmup laps. Then we progressed to several drills. One important thing we worked on was not taking your head out of the water too much when you breathe. Basically, the coach stressed that we keep one eye/half of our mouth in the water. After a few laps of practicing that, I felt like my stroke was smoother. I think I really disrupt the flow of my swimming by lifting my head out of the water too high. We did some rotation drills and other stuff but I can't remember it all right now...

Although I just started this swimming class, my main focus right now is the New York City Marathon. With just 7 weeks left of training, we're really kicking it into high gear. I'm doing Spencer's program again this year b/c I feel like it really prepared me last year--although I really miss my friends Amanda and Erica, who did the program with me last year.

Well, that's all for now. I'm going to do my absolute best to post at least 3 days a week. I'm running 5 days (one day with bootcamp) and swimming 1 day so I have PLENTY to post about.

Till the next time.

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