Monday, February 7, 2011

Oh...that's just weakness leaving the body

Despite my better judgment (i.e. the wish to sleep in and not torture my muscles for yet another day), I got up and went to Warrior Fitness Boot Camp this morning. I actually packed my things up the night before and got up early enough to take the subway down instead of wasting money on cab fare, like I have for the last couple times. I'm hoping to make this a habit.

Having now bought a class package, I have my official WFBC t-shirt and no longer feel like a newbie in the class. We did our usual warmup--a few laps of jogging, lateral shuffling and then some stretching. Then we did a bunch of other stuff , the order of which honestly has escaped my memory at this point. It included many flights of stairs, pushups, backwards bear crawls, lunges, jumping jacks, 160 crunches, jackknives, flutter kicks, and bicycles plus some laps around the place for good measure.

Remember those arm circles you did in high school or even junior high school gym class. Well, those made an appearance in class today. I don't really remember them being that difficult. But, I guess I also don't remember doing hundreds of them, and definitely never after lots of pushups and bear crawls. Alex (one of our instructors) told us we would be doing 40 circles but only after he started counting did I realize what that meant. He counts 1-2-3 and that counts as 1 circle. That makes 120. Eek! Also, if anyone dropped their arms we got more circles added and well, people dropped their arms. Oh, and after the circles, we had to hold our arms out for 20 seconds. Then pushups. Then get up and do the circles in reverse. My arms were literally convulsing by the last set but I refused to let them fall. I was not going to be the cause of extra arm circles. I mean, nobody likes that girl.

I got just a little bit better at the obstacle course today. I got across about 3 monkey bars (I know...doesn't seem that impressive, but let me tell you, I was excited) and got over the tallest wall once. I'm hoping I progressively get better and can get through the whole thing.

Finally at the end of class we partnered up for some exercises. First we did 2 sets of 40 leg throws--basically one person lays face up with their hands around their partner's ankles lifts up their legs and their partner throws them back down. As an added perk, we had to open and close our legs at the bottom. Next, one partner did 25 squat thrusts, while the other ran laps around the room. We did this twice as well. Finally, one partner did 25 squat thrusts while the other did wall sit. At this point, my quads just could not take it anymore. Alex saw me fidgeting and looking seriously pained and says to me, "STAY DOWN THERE, THAT'S JUST WEAKNESS LEAVING THE BODY!" Ummmm, or it's excruciating pain that I've inflicted on myself by coming to this crazy establishment.

Just another awesome day at WFBC. Good news is, after class, my muscles actually felt LESS sore. We'll see how I feel when I wake up for speedwork tomorrow...

Today's Workout:

60 minutes Boot Camp

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